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Front End Engineering:
CAM Tool Soft provides auto-input, IPC-comparison, 1-up Gerber editing and Panelization using Genesis 2000 software.
CAM Tool Soft also provides programs for test fixtures, extracting IPC-356 and IPC-356A file from Gerber data using Genesis 2000 software.
Our expertise are in High tech board.
Netlist Compare Expertise:
Post production errors can result in lost production time in addition to a waste of resources and money. The risk of errors can be minimized by supplying a CAD netlist with final gerber data.
Our team will compare the nest list generated from the gerber data to the CAD netlist to ensure that customer design has been created accurately. We identify the exact location that cause netlist failure.
We have established processes in place to ensure high quality services. Our systematic and time tested work flow process allow us to minimize any errors. We constantly evolve the processes to keep track of any change in specification via check lists and procedures.
World Class Infrastructure:
We have a back up generator to run the computers for 10 hours during power outage.
We facilitate a local USA phone and fax number.
We have two different leased line, internet service providers.